Phenom Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Last Updated: April 16, 2020 All Phenoms in the US, UK, Israel, India, and the Netherlands are instructed to work from home. All employees are instructed to self-report and work from home if they are ill, caring for a household member who is ill, are located in an affected area, or have traveled to a country with a Level 2 or Level 3 Travel Health Notice. We also support employees who must work from home for child care reasons due to school or daycare closings. We believe limiting travel is the best option to contain and mitigate the risk of infection. As of March 12, we have placed a ban on all business-related travel for any reason. We are also asking that all visitors refrain from entering any Phenom office. Instead, video conferencing will be utilized to continue business operations. To reduce the spread of illness, we recommend all employees practice basic hygiene as outlined by the World Health Organization, including:
As the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation continues to evolve, we believe it’s important to be transparent about how Phenom is responding to this pandemic. The health and safety of our employees and the communities we serve—including our customers and partners—is our #1 priority. We want to begin by providing information and guidance on measures we are taking for business continuity.
Phenom is following the CDC on jurisdictions impacted by COVID-19. In addition to our ongoing business continuity planning (BCP) activities, we regularly test our ability to execute Disaster Recovery initiatives and are prepared for these types of situations.
We are monitoring the situation closely and remain agile in our approach to ensure the safety of our employees, customers, partners, and community. To prevent the spread of illness and minimize any impact on our services, we have tightened our policies regarding remote work and travel.
Work-From-Home Policy
Employee Travel & Office Visits
Office Hygiene
In an effort to remain transparent and share information as quickly as possible with the Phenom community, we will continue to provide updates as needed.
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