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Help candidates find the right job faster with an AI-powered conversational chatbot that captures leads, surfaces best-fit opportunities, answers questions, and automates screening and scheduling 24/7.Book a Demo

Automate and convert candidates at scale

  • Convert More Talent

    Connect job seekers with the right roles through friendly conversation and an easy apply process.

  • Automate Tedious Tasks

    Empower your recruiters to spend less time doing admin work and more time nurturing talent.

  • Increase Pipeline 24/7

    Keep the conversation going with active and passive leads, all day, every day.

Engage candidates faster

Phenom Bot asks candidates questions to learn more about their needs and tailors the entire conversation based on their responses.
Sample conversation of a job seeker engaging with a chatbot to show the automated sourcing process powered by Phenom AI
Create a concentrated talent pool using the chatbot, which helps screen candidates before the first recruiter interaction.
Example conversation of a potential candidate with a conversational chatbot that showcases the automated screening process
Connect the right candidate with the right role by letting the chatbot deliver personalized job recommendations where candidates can directly apply.
Example of a job seeker engaging with a chatbot asking about available jobs with a populated job listing
Let the chatbot empower selected candidates to choose the most convenient times for an initial interview.
Screengrab of user-friendly interview scheduling features powered by Phenom AI
Proactively answer a candidate's questions with automated responses from an FAQ knowledge base that you control.
Example of

Direct applies through chatbot

More to explore

See Phenom in action

Discover the power of an AI-driven chatbot.

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