Devyn JeremenkoJune 29, 2018
Topics: News

Bi-Weekly Roundup: 6/15 - 6/29

Toys "R" Us stores have officially shut all doors and have put an uptick in those unemployed. California will pass a legislation similar to GDPR. And can something as simple as the color of your office walls improve the happiness of your employees? These subjects and more are here in this Bi-Weekly Roundup!

Toys "R" Us closes its doors on the few stores still open - leaving thousands jobless

Friday, June 29th, Toys "R" Us will officially be a thing of the past. The 16 foot Geoffrey the giraffe statue that greeted many at the Toys "R" Us headquarters will be moved to a children's hospital in New Jersey. The company filed for Chapter 11 reorganization last fall and promised its customers and employees to keep its doors open, but slow sales during the critical holiday season hindered their efforts. Upon closing of the remaining stores today, nearly 30,000 Toys "R" Us workers will be looking for new opportunities and toy makers like Mattel and Hasbro will begin feeling the ripple effect. Long-time employees were hoping to retire, however many are stuck protesting in New York, fighting for severance they are owed.

Toy robot is sad that Toys "R" Us is closed leaving many unemployed in this Bi-Weekly Roundup

Read more about the Toys R Us closing here.

California passes their version of GDPR

The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 is said to be one of the toughest data privacy laws to exist in the United States today. The bill will change how businesses handle data, by making companies disclose the types of data they collect and offering an “opt out” option for those who wish to not have their information sold. The legislation is very similar to Europe's’ new GDPR protections, however it has some differences. Rather than requiring the disclosure of the third party’s identity when transferring personal data, the bill only calls for disclosure of the third party’s “category”. The law is set to come into effect at the start of 2020, which gives many in the tech industry time to prepare.

Are you ready for a second round of “GDPR” regulations? Learn more about the bill here.

MBA students are facing challenges when entering the job market

Many believe that an MBA is the way to new job opportunities, however recent graduates are discovering otherwise. Instead of stepping into the job market with new opportunities, they are faced with the smallest share of companies planning to hire them since the recession. According to a recent survey by the Graduate Management Admission Council, a nonprofit that administers the GMAT admissions exam, found nearly 85 percent of employers in the United States expect to hire MBA grads this year. While the number seems high, it reflects a 6 percent drop from 2017, where 91 percent of employers planned to hire the graduates. Starting salaries are also likely to drop along with this number, following the nationwide trend of rising median wages.

You can read more about the study and it’s findings here.

Attention social workers - big business is hiring

As employers care more and more about social skills, hiring a social worker may become the new norm. Things like corporate social responsibility, work-life balance, and inclusion didn’t exist a few decades ago, but are now driving corporations to hire social workers whom might even specialize in these fields. USC has been a pioneer in pitching the corporate world to its students since 2009. The university has set up internships with nontraditional industries, like finance, and now many of its graduates can be seen at Amazon, Warner Brothers, and the LA Dodgers. With recent ethical fails amongst Facebook, Uber, and Wells Fargo, there's enough evidence that companies could use the help. Had a social worker been present in the decision-making process, maybe these companies wouldn’t have encountered these problems.

Do you think social workers have a place in big business? Read more here.

Can working in colorful offices have an effect on employees?

As office styles evolve, designers should keep color in mind. In her new TED Talk, designer, Ingrid Fetell Lee shares her experiences while searching for where joy hides and how to find it. She presents evidence that people who work in colorful offices tend to be more joyful, alert, and even friendlier than those stuck in tan and gray cubicles. Spaces with bright pops of color and round or symmetrical shapes give us “a feeling of lightness or elevation”, and this is based on research conducted in four different countries.

Colored office walls could help improve happiness in this Bi-Weekly Roundup

So why do offices still have white walls and gray cubicles? Watch her TED Talk here to learn more.

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