Derek HermanAugust 02, 2018
Topics: Candidate Experience

Get 5 Times More Applicants with Your Apply Button

You’re shopping online, browsing around for toiletries, some batteries for the remote, maybe a shirt or two for yourself, and a gift for your father’s birthday next weekend. You’re satisfied with your cart and decide it’s time to call it quits with credit card in hand.

After you click on the checkout button, you’re prompted to create an account asking for your email, a username, and a password. Hold up. All you want to do is type in your credit card information and the address where you want the items to be delivered. Creating an account is another level of form submissions you weren’t looking to complete.

It’s a simple, insignificant form to fill out, but another barrier between you and your purchase. You might think to yourself, “Whatever, it’s an account to create, sure why not? Add it to the hundreds of other accounts I have.” But in fact, this practice at one time cost an e-commerce company upwards of $300 million in revenue per year. That’s a lot of dough lost due to a few forms. Not so insignificant after all.

Candidates Don’t Want Anything Extra

Extra company swag? Of course. Extra fields to fill? Definitely not.

If you think you should be converting more candidates, take a look at your apply process first. Your employer branding, your job description language, or your recruitment marketing strategy could all be golden. But pay close attention to what candidates have to do to hand over their application to you.

Are you asking them to sign their life away? If so, you need to stop this practice. It’s only burdening them and deterring them from applying which means you’re unable to build a phenomenal team.

Increase your applicants with the apply button

Instead, implement an apply process that converts more candidates into applicants with a hyper-personalized, intuitive, and easy career site.

An irreplaceable system that recognizes how candidates interact with your employer brand and know what will convince your site visitors to apply, is what you need to convert five times more visitors. This is from our own research.

You might now be thinking, “I’m not sure if I’m ready for more applicants than I can manage.”

We’re living in the age of Big Data. It’s even offered at colleges as a degree focus. With massive amounts of data points, you can infer insights that cannot be gathered from only a small pool of information. These can illustrate that out of 200 applicants, A fit and B fit candidates are within this pool as opposed to if you only had a handful of candidates where your A fit might actually be more in tune with a C fit, or worse, a Z fit applicant. By utilizing a system that collects more applicants and analyzes their background, interests, skill sets, and interactions with your employer brand and EVP, you’ll gain the knowledge to better assess your options. After all, knowledge is power.

Escalate your candidate pipeline by incorporating that simple apply button!

Derek Herman

Derek leads the Marketing Communications initiatives at Phenom People. He engages with Phenom customers to spotlight their stories in the media.

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