Kristina FinsethFebruary 16, 2016
Topics: Candidate Experience

Here's how your career site builds talent relationships

Nobody likes making mistakes, especially when it comes to recruiting. With the thousands of ways people can search for jobs, it's harder than ever for recruiters to hire the right candidates. Hiring the right candidates will drive an organization to success and on the other hand - hiring the wrong candidates could become more than just a costly mistake for organizations.

Candidates are in control of their job search now more than ever. They have the ability to search and apply for jobs from any device they want. You are how you search and you are how you hire.

Recruiters want what's best for their organizations but are often frustrated when it comes to find a recruiting strategy that works for them. Recruiting is complicated because people are complicated. Really what recruiters should do is create relationships with candidates. Recruiters know relationships are an important aspect of recruiting. Recruiting is a people business, after all. But what recruiters miss are the simple ways that a modern career site can help build talent relationships with candidates.

A good candidate experience is designed around a candidate's wants and needs. Modern career sites, like candidate experiences, are built with the candidate in mind. When a candidate interacts with a modern career site, they are met with a user experience that is impressive, intuitive and personalized. So how can your career site help with building talent relationships? Here's how:

1. Employer reviews allow candidates to get to know you

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Candidates can spend hours researching a company before applying. Just like buying a new car or another big ticket item, candidates want to know all of the features they would be getting if they earned a position at your organization. By allowing candidates to browse reviews of your company, reviews of the CEO and even salary reviews, candidates are able to get to know you.

2. Your employer brand allows candidates to see you

Including employees in your recruiting strategy is always important. A successful employer brand is also important, but how do you create a successful and transparent employer brand? By making your employees employer branding ambassadors. By getting employees in on the action, candidates feel like they can make genuine connections with the people they could be working with ahead of time. They can also see that people enjoy and value working at your organization which earns a lot of respect from potential candidates.

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3. Your career site should allow candidates to be the master of their own journey

Your career site is likely the most important resource for candidates when researching your company and looking for a job. Don't let old technology bring your recruiting down. Use your career site as a strategic advantage over competition. Interact and build relationships with candidates right where they are looking for information - on your career site.

Thanks to the influence of today's popular technology, the way that candidates behave when searching for jobs has changed. Your career site is now a destination for candidates to find and apply to your jobs and learn why they should want to work for you. Candidates will come from many different routes to reach your career site so having a career site that is accessible to candidates on every device is extremely important. By not having your career site available to candidates on mobile, you are completely missing the first step to building a talent relationship with candidates.

Each candidate is different especially in terms of skills and abilities so candidates generally are looking for a variety of different jobs. Your career site should be able to understand and organize what each candidate is looking for in a job. By organizing job categories by type, location, skills required and more - candidates are treated to a job search experience that is segmented for the level of experience that fits them best. Candidates should be able to explore specific job content that enables them to learn about how each position matches their intent. The candidate can then organize their job search experience to find exactly what they are looking for easily, leading them to apply.

Always ask for feedback from candidates and stay up-to-date on ways to build better relationships. Remember that your career site is one of the most important resources that candidates use to navigate their job search so build your career site with candidates in mind. Building better candidate relationships will improve your recruiting significantly so it only makes sense to create a career site that engages candidates and allows both recruiters and candidates to get to know one another. Relationships are complicated so allow your career site to help out so you can continue to build beautiful relationships with your future employees.

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