If You Want to Grow, Make Time to Reflect
Personally, I’m a hustler. A doer. A go-getter. A stay-busy-and-don’t-look-up kind of person. It works great for me, and the millions of other people who function this same way through life. Staying busy keeps me from stressing out, dwelling on anything negative, and makes me feel like a productive member of society. If you’re reading this and nodding your head yes in agreeance, you are probably a lot like me and should keep reading. With that said, I recently had my third baby, and although I’m on maternity leave from Phenom People at the moment, I’m still thinking about what I want to do when I get back to work in a month. And, although my reflection time is somewhat forced, I’ve realized how important it is to make time to reflect. So, if you want to grow personally, professionally, or both, here are three tips for making time to reflect (even in the craziness of work and life). Apple Notes have been my best friend as of late. Not only do I use it to take notes, but I also use it to make lists for now and later. Even when you are caught up in the day-to-day, take the time to jot down important items to reflect on later. For me, I have a list for blog ideas to revisit later, interesting articles that must be read, and creative concepts for eBooks, videos, or other creative marketing collateral. When you’re looking for a fresh idea or have ten minutes to reflect, revisit your lists. If you’re like me, you have an hour plus commute to and from work and spend a lot of time in the car. Or, perhaps you ride the train to work and get to sit and think for thirty minutes before getting to work or home. Either way, make sure to make the most out of the quiet time you have to yourself. Listen to a podcast or audio book, read a book, or use this time to call and catch up with colleagues, friends, and family. This time is just as important as the time we spend “doing” all the things we have to do each day. Whether you enjoy sitting by the pool in warm weather, playing racquetball at your local gym, or shopping at the mall, don’t be afraid to do the things that make you happy. If you aren’t happy, then you aren’t going to be able to give a hundred percent in life. When time permits, make sure you do those little things that make you happy each day. Go get coffee at Starbucks, read a fiction book, or spend time with your family. A happy you will make others around you happy as well. Positivity is contagious after all.1. Make a List (Or a Few…)
2. Take Advantage of Time
3. Focus on YOUR Happiness Daily
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