#MonthlyMashup - March 2016
Here is a selection of our favorite articles, blogs and other content for the month of March, handpicked by our Phenom People team. By: Meghan M. Biro @meghanmbiro By: Paul Petrone @paulpetrone1 By: J.T. O'Donnell @jtodonnell By: Feargall Kenny @feargallkenny By: Lou Adler @loua By: Bryan Chaney @bryanchaney By: Mallory Wagner @mallorywphl By: Kevin Wheeler @kwheeler By: Adam Shay @shayads Recruiting is hard. Companies are spending billions of dollars each year in fierce competition with their top rivals to attract and woo talent. That money is largely being wasted, as companies struggle to engage with candidates whose behavior and job search patterns have changed significantly in recent years, which raises job candidates' expectations.Top articles for this month:
How HR teams can use cloud technology for a competitive advantage
Many current interactions with the human resources department involve a pile of administrative paperwork, but it doesn't have to be that way. Everything from onboarding to attendance to payroll are moving to the cloud, using new systems that allow HR to work better.
HR teams looking to gain the competitive advantage over competitors should strongly consider leveraging the power of cloud apps in order to strengthen their recruiting efforts. 12 songs from the 80s that any recruiter can relate to
Paul marries the songs of the 80s with the many ups-and-downs recruiters face throughout their career to create the ultimate recruiter's playlist. From Duran Duran's Hungry Like The Wolf to Dirty Dancing's final dance - Time of my Life, there's an 80s song that speaks directly to all of the highs and lows that come with a career in the recruiting industry. Why these 4 companies are getting serious about their employer brands
HR specialists and recruiters have been embracing the concept of optimizing the employer brand for years via platforms like Glassdoor and LinkedIn. The strategy has been directed mainly at job seekers, until now. Companies are starting to use their employer brands to appeal to customers, too.
See how big brands like GE and UPS are using their employer brand to earn respect from job candidates and consumers alike.How to solve some of the frustrations of candidate-recruiter relationships
Both job seekers and recruiters take chances in order to 'get the job done'. Recruiters want to deliver high quality candidates to employers and job seekers want to find a job where they feel comfortable, valued and inspired to do their job best. A large portion of both recruiting and job seeking is building relationships and sometimes these relationships can become complicated and even frustrating.
Feargall outlines some of the frustrations that come with building talent relationships throughout the hiring process and suggests tips and strategies to minimize the friction and build the best foundation for these relationships to grow - to everyone's benefit.HR has a thinking gap when it comes to hiring
You may think you are being clear about what you are looking for in job candidates, but you're saying it all wrong. According to author Lou Adler, skills-based job descriptions do more harm than good.Measuring your employer brand: what to track
Understanding how your employer brand impacts the candidate experience can make a huge difference in your recruiting efforts. Measuring your employer brand will give you the insights you need to engage with the right candidates and win them over.How to get the most out of the lengthening hiring process
The hiring process has been lengthening drastically in recent years on a global scale. We think that it's time to bring method to the madness by strategizing your hiring process to help your talent acquisition team to make the best hiring decisions possible.
This post outlines the factors that contribute to the lengthening hiring process and suggests a few tips and tricks to help your organization understand how to get the most out of their unique time-to-hire.Candidate engagement - is that what you really want?
The science of behavior is a growing field of study, and when applied to recruiting has the potential to create change, according to Wheeler.
Recruiting can also take advantage of the power of behavior science by including reinforcing instinctive behaviors, incentivizing positive behavior, and by removing barriers to negative behavior. Kevin outlines a few techniques you should try in this article.Employer brand: success through storytelling
While many organizations understand how the employer brand is linked to the consumer brand, many large organizations are basing candidate as well as employee engagement strategies on approaches that have been successful with consumers.
In today's digital culture, audiences are continually distracted and bombarded with content from all kinds of sources so organizations need to realize how marketing can assist HR in finding and inspiring high quality candidates.Featured Resource: Introduction to TRM E-book
TRM makes the experience of finding a job and acquiring talent more efficient and effective by helping candidates find the right jobs and making recruiters more productive.
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