The First Intern at Phenom People
After spending the past eleven summers at an overnight camp, I decided to grow up a little bit. I wanted to move on to bigger, better, and more productive things to do with my summer.
My internship search I just completed my sophomore year at Indiana University, and I'm excited to say that I am the first intern here at Phenom People. Of course, it's nice to be able to tell people all about my summer internship when they ask, but it wasn't very easy getting to that point.
In fact, I actually dreaded the conversation not too long ago as I was close to giving up on my internship search. I began the internship search process back in January. I applied to upwards of 20 to 25 different competitive internship programs, and Phenom People was the only one that offered me a position.
Searching for an internship can be very difficult, because many companies didn't even communicate back to me. Some positions can be much more competitive than others, but having an internship felt almost necessary. Many of my friends and peers also have internships this summer, and I obviously wanted to acquire a competitive edge for when I eventually enter the professional world.
I didn't even know I would be working at Phenom People until the end of March, so that means I went through the search process for months before landing the right internship for me.
My experience so far I have really enjoyed my time here so far, and it's only been a couple of weeks. I didn't know what to expect with my first job in an office environment, but I can safely say it has surprised me in a very good way. The work environment is very relaxed. Everyone is nice, and there's been a ton of free food for the office so far.
I like how everyone in the office knows each other so well, to the point where it's pretty hard to tell who has been working here for a while and who has only been working here for a few weeks.
What I'm looking forward to the most During my summer at Phenom People, I'm really just hoping to learn as much as I possibly can. I still have no idea what I want to pursue as a career, and that's okay. At some point though, I will have to make my decision. I believe the experience I gain here will allow me to understand more about the parts of business I like and the parts I don't like as much. This will allow me to focus more on the parts that I did like, crossing the aspects that I didn't like off of my list.
Overall, my internship is looking very promising, because of the culture of the office, my potential to learn a lot of new things, and the fun and bright people surrounding me here at Phenom People.
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