Introducing The Talent Codes: The Unwritten Rules for the Workplace
In the workplace, there are certain regulations everyone must abide by. And then there are the unwritten rules—workplace “etiquette,” if you will—that recruiters, employees, candidates, and even management are expected to follow, like avoiding long bathroom breaks and showing up in clean clothes. For a long time, nobody really talked about these implicit codes of conduct unless they were standing around the water cooler. Until now! We recently dug into our vault and discovered an old Phenom handbook of rules to help all talent experiences. Just kidding...we don’t have a vault. Or an old handbook. But we are really excited to introduce our new ebook, Talent Codes: The Unwritten Rules for the Workplace. In it, you’ll find over 20 workplace codes of conduct that probably didn’t make it into your company’s employee handbook, but would certainly be considered as an addendum in the reprint. We hope you have as much fun reading these “rules” as we had putting them together. What’s inside? Here’s a preview of what you’ll find: Never settle on a candidate. You deserve better! When you’re a candidate, don’t be a Stage 5 Clinger after the interview. Identify your future leaders—and not just in a “I manage people, I’m a leader now” kind of way. Host FOMO-inducing work events—even during the business day. Don’t be the “I’ll know them when I see them” hiring manager (you really won’t). Keep in mind, our list of talent codes is by no means comprehensive. In fact, just today we were all grossed out by our colleague clipping his nails in the office—this will be code #32 in the next edition. Download Talent Codes: The Unwritten Rules for the Workplace now... and share it with your friends and colleagues!
5 Talent Codes—A Teaser
Samantha is in content marketing at Phenom People, where she is passionate about enhancing every talent experience. She also enjoys taking photos, traveling, and bonding with her team.
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